Designing the Perfect AI Chatbot for Your eCommerce Business

Łukasz Ceran - Product Delivery Manager
7 minutes read

So, you’re thinking about creating a custom AI chatbot for your eCommerce? Great idea! 

But here’s the thing - getting into eCommerce chatbot development without a clear roadmap can leave you spinning your wheels. 

What's more, a few pitfalls await you, and it would be great if you avoided them.

That's why today we will present a guide on designing an AI chatbot, give you tips for bypassing common mistakes, and tell you why advanced chatbot features and customization are so valuable for your business.

Step-By-Step Guide on Designing a Custom AI Chatbot 

If you want to build a good custom AI chatbot, you can't just pick a template and let it loose. 

Designing AI chatbots is the process of carefully crafting an experience that aligns with your goals and delivers value to your customers. Taking it one step at a time guarantees you cover all bases, minimize risks, and maximize the impact of your chatbot.

Let’s walk through this together, step by step, to design a chatbot that’s smart and perfectly tailored to your eCommerce.

Identifying Business Goals

Before jumping into the nitty-gritty of chatbot design, start with a clear understanding of your business goals. Why do you want a chatbot in the first place? This might seem like a trivial question, but the answer will shape every decision you make moving forward.

Ask yourself what you want your chatbot to achieve. For example:

  • Do you want to enhance customer service by providing quick answers to common questions? 

  • Are you looking to streamline the purchasing process and guide customers through product selections and checkouts? 

  • Or perhaps it’s all about building brand loyalty by offering personalized recommendations?

Once you’ve identified your primary objectives, define the key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your chatbot’s success. For example, to improve customer service, you might track metrics like response time or customer satisfaction scores.

Action Point:

Write down your top three goals for the chatbot and think about how they will shape its functionality. Such clarity will guide you in designing an AI chatbot that doesn’t just exist but delivers value to your business.

Choosing the Right Platform

The next step is to choose the right platform for your chatbot. Not all platforms are created equal, and selecting the one that aligns with your needs will contribute to your project's success.

Just know that some platforms are incredibly user-friendly and designed for those without coding skills, while others offer deep customization options that require a bit more technical know-how. 

So before choosing, consider your team’s technical expertise and the complexity of your chatbot’s functions.

For instance, platforms like ManyChat are excellent choices for businesses looking for a straightforward, no-code solution. They are great for setting up basic chatbots that can handle tasks like answering FAQs.

But if you’re looking for something more robust and customizable, solutions like Dialogflow or IBM Watson offer advanced AI and machine learning capabilities so that you can create more sophisticated chatbot experiences.

Key Takeaway:

The platform you choose will significantly influence your chatbot’s capabilities and user interaction. Make sure it aligns with your business goals and the resources you have available.

Designing Conversational UX/UI

Now, it’s time to think about your chatbot's conversational UX/UI. The purpose here is to create a conversation flow that feels natural, intuitive, and engaging for your users.

Start by mapping out the different paths a conversation could take and considering all the possible questions and responses a user might have. Define the tone and personality of your chatbot – should it be formal and professional or casual and fun?


  • If a customer asks about the status of their order, the bot might respond with, “I’ve got your back! Let me check that for you,” if your brand is more laid-back. 

  • For a more formal brand, it could be, “Let me assist you with your order status.”

Next, focus on the UI aspect – how the chatbot interacts visually with users. Buttons, quick replies, and images can all enhance the conversational experience. 

For instance, rather than asking users to type out their choice, provide them with quick-reply buttons. If the bot helps with product selection, show images of the products right within the chat.

Pro Tip:

Always test your conversation flows with a base of real users before going live. This will help you identify any confusing or frustrating interactions that could lead to drop-offs.

Training the Chatbot with AI and Machine Learning

Now comes the exciting part: training your chatbot using AI and machine learning. 

In this stage, your bot moves from being just another software tool to becoming a smart assistant capable of understanding and responding to users.

Start by feeding your chatbot a dataset that includes various customer queries and the appropriate responses. The information could range from past customer service logs to a list of FAQs.

But remember, training doesn’t stop once the bot is live.

Your chatbot should continuously learn and improve from every encounter. Most advanced platforms offer machine learning capabilities that allow the bot to get better over time, like adapting to new language patterns or understanding context more effectively.

Success Advice:

Set up regular training sessions where you review how the chatbot is performing and make adjustments as needed.

You can also seek help from technology partners who are familiar with AI chatbots and can assist in training and maintaining them.

Common Pitfalls and Tips on Avoiding Them

When designing an AI chatbot for your eCommerce business, it's easy to fall into a few common traps that can hinder your chatbot's effectiveness. But don’t worry: we have practical tips to sidestep the most common issues.

Overcomplicating the Conversational UX/UI

One of the biggest mistakes in eCommerce chatbot development is overcomplicating the user interface and conversation flow. While it might be tempting to load your chatbot with tons of features, remember that simplicity often wins. 

How can you proceed?

  1. Focus on creating a clear and intuitive conversational UX/UI.

  2. Use simple language, clear buttons, and visual cues to help users navigate.

  3. Check if your chatbot can handle basic queries efficiently before adding more advanced features.

Ignoring User Feedback

Ignoring user feedback is a major pitfall that can limit your chatbot’s potential. Users will interact with your chatbot in ways you might not have anticipated, and their feedback is invaluable for fine-tuning the bot’s performance. 

Stay Tuned for the Release!

Our upcoming ebook, "Elevate, Engage, Excel: The New Era of eCommerce with AI Chatbots," is full of actionable insights and strategies to help you leverage the power of AI chatbots.

So, what should you do?

  1. Regularly review the conversations your chatbot is having with users to identify pain points, misunderstandings, or common queries that haven’t been addressed. 

  2. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments, whether that’s updating the conversation flow, adding new information, or improving the AI’s responses.

Failing to Integrate with Existing Systems

Your eCommerce chatbot should be able to communicate with your inventory management system, CRM, and other backend systems to provide accurate information. If a customer asks about order status, your chatbot should be able to access that information in real-time.

What are your options?

  1. Plan for these integrations from the start.

  2. Work closely with your development team to ensure they’re implemented correctly.

Overlooking Security and Privacy

With chatbots handling sensitive information like payment details and personal data, implementing strong security measures should be one of your top priorities. Overlooking these aspects can result in losing customer trust and expose your business to legal risks.

Due to this:

  1. Verify if your chatbot uses secure channels for data transmission and complies with all relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR. 

  2. Determine if your development team prioritizes these features during the design process.

Don't Have the Right Skills on Board

Designing an AI chatbot requires expertise in several areas, including AI programming and backend integration. If your team lacks these skills, you risk ending up with a chatbot that underperforms or, worse, frustrates your customers.

Consider team extension services instead of stretching your team too thin or rushing the project. 


  1. Team extension options provide the flexibility to scale your team’s capabilities without the long-term commitment.

  2. With this approach, your chatbot will be built with the right expertise and deliver an effective experience from the start.

Why Advanced Features and Customization Are Important for Your AI Chatbot

AI chatbots can be a great asset to your business, but to be truly helpful and effective, they require advanced features. Why?

Well, simply put, basic functionality just won't cut it if you're aiming to deliver top-notch interactions.

Just see: with options like sentiment analysis and personalized product recommendations, advanced features can turn your chatbot into a powerful tool that delights customers and dramatically enhances their journey. 

But there's more. 

Innovative capabilities like multi-language support open your eCommerce to a global audience and guarantee that you can seamlessly engage with customers across different regions and touchpoints. Further, you can gain insights into customer behavior and proactively offer solutions before customers even realize they need them.

And what's the best part?

If you look at incorporating advanced features into a chatbot from a wider perspective, you'll see that it's part of the larger customization of your business.

Thanks to customization, you can resonate with your customers because it reflects your brand's unique voice and style. Plus, if you rely on customized tools, like AI chatbots, you can respond more effectively and boost customer satisfaction. 

And this sounds like a recipe to set your eCommerce platform apart from the competition.


Wrapping up our journey through designing the perfect AI chatbot, it’s clear that each step is necessary. By following them, you’ll be well on your way to creating a chatbot that more than satisfies your audience's needs.

Customization, in particular, is essential to ensure that AI chatbots reflect your brand's voice and enhance engagement. 

So, don’t be afraid to integrate advanced features, as with them, you can achieve many pros, like stronger connections with your customers, and long-term success, and differentiate your company alongside the rest of the market.

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