Preparing for Migration. How to Assess Your Current E-Commerce Platform (Part 3)

Jerzy Zawadzki - Chief Technology Officer
5 minutes read

Many businesses jump into the migration process without fully understanding their current setup and are later surprised to encounter “unexpected” challenges and disruptions.

They should first wonder what makes their current e-commerce platform tick—what key features do they rely on daily, and which integrations are crucial for seamless operations?

The point is that you shouldn't act too quickly; before you leap into a new system, getting a clear picture of your existing environment is crucial. This detailed analysis will preserve the functionalities you love and help you identify areas for improvement.

That’s why we will now dive into the nitty-gritty of your current e-commerce setup. 

We’ll explore everything from the types of products you sell to the present capabilities and limitations. By the end of this journey, you’ll be well-prepared to make an informed decision and ensure that your migration is as seamless as possible.

It's time to uncover the secrets of your e-commerce environment together.

Detailed Inquiry into Current E-commerce Setup

When initiating discussions about migration, begin by examining your actual situation. Start with the points below.

Types of Products Sold

First off, analyze the variety and categories of products. This might seem a bit obvious, but it's an important place to begin. If you understand the scope of your product range you will better determine the complexity of the migration process.

Consider whether you're selling physical goods, digital products, or both. Physical products need inventory management, shipping solutions, and logistics, while digital products require robust digital delivery systems and licensing management.

Another area to be identified is complex products, such as those with personalization capabilities. If you offer them, then your new e-commerce platform should be able to handle such advanced product configurations as custom text, images, or other personalizations. This requires detailed data migration to ensure all custom options are preserved and correctly implemented on the new platform.

Platform Usage

Then proceed to review your e-commerce platform.

Which platform are you currently using? Is it a popular all-in-one solution like Shopify, Magento, or WooCommerce, or is it a custom-built system? Use this knowledge to better recognize the specific features and limitations you're dealing with right now.

Now think about what functions you and your customers use daily. These could be anything from basic product listings and payment processing to more advanced functionalities like customer loyalty programs, wish lists, or advanced analytics. Identify what you use every day and it won't get lost in the migration process.

Order Volume

Let’s talk numbers.

How many orders do you process regularly? Do you know your average order volume? These questions can help determine how much capacity is needed for the new platform and plan the migration timing to minimize disruptions.

Do you have specific times of the year when orders spike? For example, holiday seasons or special sales events? It’s recommended to schedule your migration during quieter periods, as this will reduce the risk of impacting your business during critical times. The volume of orders can significantly influence the migration timeline and approach.

💡 For high-volume businesses, a phased migration might be more practical to avoid overwhelming the new system right from the start.

Special Features

Every business has unique needs, and special features can make or break your e-commerce operations. If you offer, for example, subscriptions or recurring billing, ensuring the new platform can handle these smoothly is a must. This includes:

  • managing billing cycles

  • handling failed payments

  • providing customers with easy account management tools

Multi-currency and multi-language support are also non-negotiable if you're operating internationally. Maintaining and expanding your global customer base will be easier if your new platform supports these features.

Need assistance with your e-commerce migration?

Reach out to the Polcode team and leverage our expertise to evaluate your platform, plan your migration, and set your business up for success.

Tax Requirements

There are also tax and compliance requirements. Taxes can be tricky, especially if you’re dealing with multiple regions with different tax laws.

Consider how your current platform manages tax calculations – does it automatically apply the correct tax rates based on customer location, or do you handle it manually?

If you're selling in Europe, VAT is a big deal. In other regions, GST or other tax types might be more relevant. Whether or not your current system is set up to handle these intricacies, you need to guarantee the new e-commerce platform can do the same if not better.


Lastly, let’s look at your current integrations.

Identify current integrations with AI tools, payment gateways, shipping providers, and CRM systems. Answer the following questions:

  1. Which payment gateways are you using?

  2. What about shipping providers?

  3. Are you using AI/ML integrated applications?

  4. Do you have a CRM system that is compatible with your current platform?

  5. How well does your current e-commerce platform work with ERP and inventory management system integrations?

  6. What marketing and analytics tools are you using?

  7. Are they compatible with your current e-commerce platform?

To ensure continuity of service, these integrations need to be replicated or improved upon in the new system.

Yes, there are a lot of questions, but they can prepare you for seamless adoption. As a result, you will be sure that inventory levels are accurate, orders are processed efficiently, campaigns remain on track, and your business runs smoothly.

Evaluation of Current E-commerce Platform Capabilities and Limitations

You have already done a great deal, but this is not the end of the process. It’s high time to discuss your existing platform’s capabilities and limitations. You want to know what works well and what needs improvement after all, so let's break this down.


  • Think about the features that you currently appreciate.

Maybe your platform offers robust inventory management, excellent customer service tools, or highly customizable design templates. These strengths are essential to carry over to the new platform.

  • Identify the key functionalities that are integral to your business operations.

These features should be considered non-negotiable in the new platform. Recognizing them helps you understand what to look for in potential new solutions.

  • Finally, examine the performance metrics of your current platform.

Platforms with excellent performance metrics contribute significantly to customer satisfaction and SEO rankings. Metrics such as a 99.9% uptime or load times under two seconds are indicators of a robust system.


Start by listing out the pain points you encounter with your current platform.

These could range from difficult-to-use admin interfaces to inadequate customer support. All of these pain points can affect your daily operations and overall e-commerce efficiency.

Consider any scalability issues.

Scalability is vital for growing businesses, so the new platform must be able to support your future growth without significant performance drops or additional costs.

Identify any vulnerabilities or security concerns with your current platform.

This could include outdated software, lack of compliance with data protection regulations, or frequent security breaches. Addressing these concerns in the new platform will protect your e-commerce store and build customer trust.

It will be easier for you to select a new platform once you are aware of its strengths and weaknesses.

Top Methods to Gather Data for Migration

It isn’t rocket science that without a detailed and well-organized dataset, the migration process can become chaotic and lead to disruptions in operations. That’s why we will delve into the best methods to gather the necessary data, so you can enjoy efficient migration.

1. CSV and Excel Export Functions

The majority of e-commerce platforms provide options to export data in CSV or Excel formats. They are widely supported and can be easily manipulated using spreadsheet software. When using CSV or Excel exports, ensure that all necessary fields such as product descriptions, prices, customer contact information, and order details are included.

2. API Integrations

APIs allow different software systems to communicate and share data seamlessly. This method is particularly useful for large datasets or when you need to automate the data export process. By using API, you can pull data directly into the new system or use intermediate storage for further processing.

3. Built-in Export Options

Platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce come equipped with their data export tools. These tools often have user-friendly interfaces that allow you to select the specific data you want to export.

4. Third-Party Data Export Tools

If the built-in tools and APIs do not meet your needs, there are numerous third-party applications designed to assist with data export. They offer advanced features and support for multiple file formats. These tools can significantly simplify the export process.

5. Manual Data Extraction

In some cases, especially with legacy or custom-built systems, you may need to resort to manual data extraction. Essentially, this involves copying and pasting data from the current system into a structured format, such as spreadsheets. Yes, this method can be time-consuming and prone to human error, but it may be the only option if other tools are not available or if the data is stored in non-standard formats.

Challenges with Legacy Systems

Speaking about older platforms, you need to know that they often pose significant challenges during migration. It’s literally like navigating a minefield of outdated technology and incompatible formats.

That’s because these legacy systems weren’t built with modern needs in mind.

Imagine you’re trying to export data from a platform that hasn’t seen an update in a decade. You might find that the data is stored in formats that newer systems can’t read. How do you handle that? Data might be trapped in archaic databases or buried under layers of obsolete code.

And what about integrations? Legacy systems often lack the flexibility to connect with today’s advanced tools. As a result, it can be challenging to smoothly migrate all of your critical business functions.

Then there’s the issue of reliability. Legacy code can be unstable and lead to frequent crashes and data corruption. Ever had that sinking feeling when your computer freezes mid-task? Now, multiply that anxiety by your entire business operation.

While legacy applications are a part of the past, overcoming their challenges can pave the way to a more efficient and modern e-commerce future.


As you can see, there's a lot to consider when thinking about migrating your e-commerce platform. Thoroughly understanding your current environment, capabilities, and limitations are just a few of the many things to grasp.

But the effort will be worthwhile – such a detailed analysis will not only help the whole process but also highlight areas for further improvement.

Taking the time to evaluate and plan is crucial and will pay off in the long run. And if you need any help or guidance, consider a partnership with tech experts from Polcode. Our team is here to help.

On-demand webinar: Moving Forward From Legacy System

Transform your outdated IT system and eliminate legacy code issues. Join our on-demand webinar hosted by our CTO, Jerzy Zawadzki, and discover how to revitalize your technology.

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Assess Your Current Platform

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