When dealing with data from the Web, nowadays we usually think about accessing APIs and dealing with JSON data. Sometimes this is simply not possible, perhaps because the API simply doesn’t exist or we’re looking for some specific data set we want to assemble together from multiple separate pages of content.
In this article we’ll be looking at this exact case – one event in the MMO game Eve Online is an annual PvP competition, the Alliance Tournament, in which player groups can participate. We’re interested in obtaining historical match data so that we can rank alliances on their performance in the tournament. This data isn’t available from any API or single page, so we have to go through all tournament results and determine how many matches a team won out of the total played. To do this, we’ll be looking at multiple web pages, both static and Javascript generated.
Scraping the Web with Ruby
When dealing with data from the Web, nowadays we usually think about accessing APIs and dealing with JSON data. Sometimes this is simply not possible, perhaps because the API simply doesn’t exist or we’re looking for some specific data set we want to assemble together from multiple separate pages of content.
In this article we’ll be looking at this exact case – one event in the MMO game Eve Online is an annual PvP competition, the Alliance Tournament, in which player groups can participate. We’re interested in obtaining historical match data so that we can rank alliances on their performance in the tournament. This data isn’t available from any API or single page, so we have to go through all tournament results and determine how many matches a team won out of the total played. To do this, we’ll be looking at multiple web pages, both static and Javascript generated.
Let’s start with something really simple for now. If we go to the Eve University wiki page on the Alliance Tournament, we can see a table of previous tournament winners. What’s more interesting for us is that this table also has links to detailed results that we can use to gather more information on the matches.
If we look closer, we can see two patterns in this table: the more recent tournaments link to Challonge pages that show a whole tournament bracket, while most older results are located on Eve Online’s community site. Based on this we will need to build at least two different scrapers to collect the information from all different sites, and this is exactly what we will do.
You can find all the code examples used in this article on github.
Grabbing website contents in pure Ruby
Before we get to obtaining the results themselves, let’s just grab the winners table from the Eve University page so that we have links for the results locally and don’t have to copy them by hand every time we need to use them.
First, let’s make a winners.rb
file and grab the contents of the page. We can just use a few lines of Ruby code to do this, and we don’t need any extra libraries apart from those already included in every Ruby installation:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "open-uri"
url = "https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Alliance_Tournament"
html = URI.parse(url).open
puts html.read
When ran in the console with Ruby, winners.rb
will output the HTML code of the requested page.
Using Nokogiri to parse HTML content
Acquiring the HTML code alone isn’t enough for what we need though, and this data would be much more useful in some format with better readability. To convert it, we can use Nokogiri to parse the HTML and extract the data we want. Let’s do so now and expand our winners.rb
file into its final form:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "open-uri"
require "nokogiri"
require "json"
url = "https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Alliance_Tournament"
html = URI.parse(url).open
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
results = []
doc.css("table.wikitable tr").each do |row|
winners_name = row.css("td:nth-child(3)").text.strip
tournament_name = row.css("td:nth-child(1)").text.strip
next if winners_name.empty?
next if tournament_name.empty?
tournament_year = row.css("td:nth-child(2)").xpath('text()').text.strip
tournament_yc_year = row.css("td:nth-child(2) span").text.strip
bracket_link = row.css("td:nth-child(5) a:contains('Bracket')").attr("href")&.value
results_link = row.css("td:nth-child(5) a:contains('Results')").attr("href")&.value
tournament = {
name: tournament_name,
year: tournament_year,
yc: tournament_yc_year,
winners: winners_name,
bracket: bracket_link,
results: results_link
results << tournament
json = results.to_json
File.open("winners.json", "w") do |f|
f.write json
This code is a bit more advanced, so let’s break it down to make it easier to understand.
require "open-uri"
require "nokogiri"
require "json"
url = "https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Alliance_Tournament"
html = URI.parse(url).open
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
results = []
doc.css("table.wikitable tr").each do |row|
# ...
First, we get the page contents from the internet just as we did before and use Nokogiri to open it. Then we can target the table that interests us with a CSS selector – there’s only one of those on the page, which makes it easy. We also want to have an array for our results.
winners_name = row.css("td:nth-child(3)").text.strip
tournament_name = row.css("td:nth-child(1)").text.strip
next if winners_name.empty?
next if tournament_name.empty?
Some of the rows in the table aren’t interesting – one is the current year’s tournament, which doesn’t have a winner yet, and additionally there were two years in which the tournament didn’t happen at all, so we might as well just skip those rows right away.
tournament_year = row.css("td:nth-child(2)").xpath('text()').text.strip
tournament_yc_year = row.css("td:nth-child(2) span").text.strip
The second column of the table contains two dates: one is the real world year and the other is an ingame representation of it. For example, 2023 is represented as YC 125. The normal date is just direct content of the td
tag, while the ingame date is in an extra span
tag inside the table cell.
Targeting the span is easy enough with the CSS selector, but to get to the direct text content without including the child elements we need to use an XPath function text() instead.
bracket_link = row.css("td:nth-child(5)
results_link = row.css("td:nth-child(5)
Lastly, the links. As explained before, there are two types, so we can just differentiate them through the link’s title and save them in an appropriate field.
tournament = {
name: tournament_name,
year: tournament_year,
yc: tournament_yc_year,
winners: winners_name,
bracket: bracket_link,
results: results_link
results << tournament
Now that we have all the data, we can put it together into a hash and push it out into the results
json = results.to_json
File.open("winners.json", "w") do |f|
f.write json
And finally, we convert our results to a JSON file and write it to the disk.
Using Vessel to quickly parse multiple pages
Before we dive into getting data from the brackets, let’s start working on obtaining historical results from Eve Online’s community pages. This should be a bit easier since they are just static pages.
This time we’ll be using Vessel instead of just getting the page contents with plain Ruby, which will allow us to quickly scrape multiple web pages in parallel.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "json"
require "vessel"
class CommunityResults < Vessel::Cargo
domain "community.testeveonline.com"
def parse
page_title = at_css("#content h1.content-title")&.text
matches = []
css(".at-results table tr").each do |row|
team1 = row.at_css("td:nth-child(3) span:nth-child(1)")
team2 = row.at_css("td:nth-child(3) span:nth-child(3)")
next unless team1 && team2
winner = team1.attribute("class") == "winner" ? team1 : team2
matches << {
team1: team1.text,
team2: team2.text,
winner: winner.text
full_results = {
name: page_title.sub("Alliance Tournament ", "AT").sub("Results", "").strip,
matches: matches
yield full_results
results = File.read("winners.json")
json = JSON.parse(results)
urls = []
json.each do |tournament|
next unless tournament["results"] =~ /community\.testeveonline\.com/
urls << tournament["results"]
match_results = []
CommunityResults.run(start_urls: urls){ |a| match_results << a }
json_results = match_results.to_json
File.open("match_results.json", "w") do |f|
f.write json_results
This is the whole script for scraping all of the match results. Let’s break it down again.
results = File.read("winners.json")
json = JSON.parse(results)
urls = []
json.each do |tournament|
next unless tournament["results"] =~ /community\.testeveonline\.com/
urls << tournament["results"]
match_results = []
CommunityResults.run(start_urls: urls){ |a| match_results << a }
json_results = match_results.to_json
File.open("match_results.json", "w") do |f|
f.write json_results
This part should be pretty easy by now, as it’s just mostly more file operations. We’ll be reading the JSON file from the last step and add the results from the community page to an array. Then we use our parser to get the match results and write them to a separate file.
The interesting thing here is the parser. To use Vessel, you just pass the URL array to a parser class – its run
method then returns every value that the class’s parse
method yields.
This might look a bit obscure at first, so let’s go through the parser class step by step.
class CommunityResults < Vessel::Cargo
domain "community.testeveonline.com"
def parse
# ...
We’re going to define our parser class, which inherits from an appropriate Vessel class, and define our parse
method. This method will be automatically called by Vessel’s run
method, so we need to have it.
page_title = at_css("#content h1.content-title")&.text
Inside the parse
method, we’re just using the same Nokogiri methods we used before, but with the caveat that we don’t have any explicit Nokogiri object. This part is handled automatically by Vessel, so we can simply just use at_css
and css
methods. Here we’re getting a title element to know which tournament we’re actually obtaining the results for.
matches = []
css(".at-results table tr").each do |row|
team1 = row.at_css("td:nth-child(3) span:nth-child(1)")
team2 = row.at_css("td:nth-child(3) span:nth-child(3)")
next unless team1 && team2
Next we’ll populate the matches array. There’s a results table on each page, so we go through all of the rows and get the two team names. We can skip the row if we don’t have both names – those will be the table headers.
winner = team1.attribute("class") == "winner" ? team1 : team2
We also want to know which team was the winner in any given match. A quick inspection of one of the pages shows that they are marking the winner by using the winner
class, so we’ll just get the name of whichever team is marked this way.
matches << {
team1: team1.text,
team2: team2.text,
winner: winner.text
Now we populate our match results array.
full_results = {
name: page_title.sub("Alliance Tournament ", "AT").sub("Results", "").strip,
matches: matches
yield full_results
Finally we can output the results of our parsing, after a bit of string substitution to align the format of the tournament name to that which we had in our previous scraper.
Notice that we don’t return
the final value here but yield
it instead. This allows us to use the block to manipulate all the results, like below:
CommunityResults.run(start_urls: urls){ |a| match_results << a }
Here we just output it to our results array, but we could manipulate it more at this point if we needed to.
Using Tanakai to get data from Javascript pages
We can now go back to getting the most recent tournament’s results from the brackets published on their challonge pages. Since this is a React-powered website, we can’t really use a basic Ruby scraper because it would be missing the Javascript necessary to obtain the content.
We’ll be using a different library this time,Tanakai, which is a fork of the currently unmaintained but still quite popular Kimurai. Unfortunately we also have to rely on a fork of this code, as the main repository is not compatible with Ruby 3 yet and will throw errors if we try.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "open-uri"
require "json"
require "tanakai"
class BracketsSpider < Tanakai::Base
@name = "brackets_spider"
@engine = :selenium_chrome
@start_urls = ["https://challonge.com/atxviii", "https://challonge.com/atxvii", "https://challonge.com/AllianceTournamentXVI"]
@config = {
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.84 Safari/537.36",
before_request: { delay: 4..7 }
def parse(response, url:, data: {})
page_title = response.css(".tournament-banner-header h4")&.text
matches = []
response.xpath("//g[contains(@class, 'match')]").each do |match|
teams = match.xpath(".//text[contains(@class, 'match--player-name')]").map(&:text)
winner = match.at_xpath(".//text[contains(@class, 'match--player-name')][contains(@class, '-winner')]").text
matches << {
team1: teams.first,
team2: teams.second,
winner: winner
full_results = {
name: page_title.sub("Alliance Tournament ", "AT").strip,
matches: matches
save_to "bracket_results.json", full_results, format: :json
This code is somewhat similar to that which we used with Vessel, but has some important differences due to Tanakai handling all file saving for us automatically.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "open-uri"
require "json"
require "tanakai"
class BracketsSpider < Tanakai::Base
@name = "brackets_spider"
@engine = :selenium_chrome
@start_urls = ["https://challonge.com/atxviii", "https://challonge.com/atxvii", "https://challonge.com/AllianceTournamentXVI"]
@config = {
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.84 Safari/537.36",
before_request: { delay: 4..7 }
def parse(response, url:, data: {})
# ...
The first big difference is the setup. Sadly Tanakai doesn’t have any good way to pass the URLs, so we have to hardcode them in the class. This isn’t ideal, but for most purposes – for example, when you know which pages you need to go through or have one website as a starting point – it’s not terrible.
We also need to pretend that our crawler is a real browser by adding a user agent, otherwise the website will just show us a cloudflare error page.
page_title = response.css(".tournament-banner-header h4")&.text
As before, we grab the tournament’s name with the CSS selector.
matches = []
response.xpath("//g[contains(@class, 'match')]").each do |match|
teams = match.xpath(".//text[contains(@class, 'match--player-name')]").map(&:text)
winner = match.at_xpath(".//text[contains(@class, 'match--player-name')][contains(@class, '-winner')]").text
matches << {
team1: teams.first,
team2: teams.second,
winner: winner
After that we go through the page, filling up our matches array. Since the matches are drawn as SVG elements and have multiple classes (and there’s a lot more of those elements compared to just using a table), it’s much easier to just target them with XPath and XPath functions – we can check if an element contains an attribute with some value and have multiple checks as well to get the winner of the match.
If you’re interested in learning more about XPath and its multiple options, you can check out an XPath cheatsheet or its general documentation.
full_results = {
name: page_title.sub("Alliance Tournament ", "AT").strip,
matches: matches
save_to "bracket_results.json", full_results, format: :json
Finally we prepare our results object and use Tanakai’s save_to helper to output them to a JSON file.
What’s next?
We obtained our results, but the job’s not done yet. There are still problems with the results we collected – the matches list we got from the challonge brackets isn’t complete, while parsing the earlier historical results from the community sites revealed some matches that ended in draws and should be handled as well. However, delving into these intricacies warrants a separate article. In the meantime, we encourage readers to explore potential solutions and address these challenges on their own.
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